Positive, slighly chaotic, and eager to learn

When I was born my parents named me Casper. My father’s family name: van Engelenburg. My full name? No clue, let’s ask Python:

name = "Casper"
surname = "van Engelenburg"

full_name = " ".join([name, surname])

Apparently the output is Casper van Engelenburg, so I guess that resolved the issue!

My friends, family, and people I work with often say that I am very positive and a slightly chaotic person, and eager to learn a lot. I do sports nearly every day, like bad jokes, read a lot, eat healthy, and have awesome friends, family, and girlfriend. What I like to think about? Among other things: how we, as humanity, can design certain practices that use Artificial intelligence in a way that is inherently beneficial for us and the planet.

I am very grateful that I could, in the first place, do and succesfully finish a BSc. in Applied Physics, a minor in Interactive Design, and a MSc. in Systems and Control (all @Delft University of Technology). Currently, I am doing a PhD in Architecture (Delft as well), focusing on fundamental - Computer science - research regarding Computer vision in early-stage Architectural design and research.

Interested in exchanging thoughts / ideas on how to collaborate in research? Please contact me through LinkedIn, or by sending me an email: see self-explainable items, either in the bottom-right of the page, or in the index list on the left.

A visual of me:
